Look, Feel, and Function Your Best
Personal Training - either privately (1-on-1) or semi-privately (2-4 participants) - is the surest and fastest way to achieve your health and fitness goals. Moreover, Personal Training can help you to experience the following intersection of results:
Personal Training Services and Rates:
Private (1-on-1) Personal Training
1 session per week = $400/month
2 sessions per week = $720/month
3 sessions per week = $960/month
4-week Custom Program Design + 1 private coaching session = $160/month
30min sessions available upon request.
Discounted Gym Membership Add-On to Performance Culture available.
Virtual (Zoom) Training available upon request.
Semi-private (2-4) Personal Training
2 persons = $60/session
3 persons = $50/session
4 persons = $40/session
30min sessions available upon request.
Discounted Gym Membership Add-On to Performance Culture available.
Virtual (Zoom) Training available upon request.
Personal Training Expectations
The focus of every session will be to enhance your movement system in some fashion. That may mean that we need to first focus on cleaning up movement restrictions (through soft tissue and FRC® mobility work) and preparing the body to move efficiently and effectively. Once that is achieved (to an acceptable level) we progress into intelligently and specifically selected and periodized (the process of progressing the exercise selection, volume and intensity) movements/exercises that challenge each individual appropriately. I monitor and correct technique to ensure the safety and effectiveness of each movement set and to make sure the challenge is appropriate so that the right change (desired adaptation) or training effect is occurring. The specific exercises and timing of each session will be different for each individual depending on their ability, goals and other factors, but the general pattern or flow of each session will look something like this:
Removing restrictions with foam roll, massage/soft tissue work (if needed).
Movement preparation (physiological readiness) and Functional Range Conditioning (FRC®) mobility work.
Reactive work (speed, agility, quickness, power) - especially but not limited to athletic populations.
Resistance Training (loaded movement training, strength and stability training, strength endurance/work capacity etc.)
Energy System Development (aerobic and/or anaerobic cardiovascular work, metabolic density training, work capacity etc.)
Recovery/Regeneration (foam roll, stretching, breathing, shifting to parasympathetic nervous system dominance etc.)